5 Simple Decluttering Hacks to Instantly Create Space in Your Home

Organized nightstand 

Feeling like there aren’t enough hours in the day to get it all done? I get it, friend! Between the toys, papers, and the piles of laundry, sometimes it can feel like your home is going to explode.

It’s easy to feel like your home is a reflection of how you feel on the inside… especially as a busy mom. At times it can feel chaotic and out of control. But creating space doesn’t have to be that complicated. In fact, with a few simple hacks, you can feel lighter and start breathing a bit deeper.

Clearing the clutter doesn’t just make your home look better; it makes you feel better too. When your environment is simplified, your mind feels it. Here are five quick decluttering hacks that will instantly create space and help bring some calm back into your home… and your day.

Hack 1: The “Toss it or Treasure it” Method

Start small. Choose one drawer or surface that’s stressing you out and ask yourself, “Does this item add value to my life, or is it just taking up space?”

Next, make two piles: one for items you love, use, or need and one for things that are just cluttering up your space. Give yourself permission to let go of what no longer serves you.

Sometimes letting go can be hard, but trust me — the intentional space you’ll create will feel so much better than hanging on to those “maybe one day” items.

Hack 2: The 5-Minute Declutter Blitz

Don’t wait for the perfect time to start decluttering — just set a timer for 5 minutes. You’d be surprised at how much you can get done in such a short burst! (Also spoiler alert, there is no perfect time.)

Pick one area — maybe it’s the kitchen counter, the entryway, or the coffee table — and go! Clear out anything that doesn’t belong, throw away trash, and put things back in their rightful place. This is a good time to consider if moving an item to a different place in your house makes more sense.

You don’t have to declutter your whole home in a day. These 5-minute wins add up and help build momentum. A phrase I love is, “Action brings clarity!”

Hack 3: One In, One Out Rule

This hack is an oldie but a goodie. It works like this: every time you bring something new into your home — whether it’s clothes, toys, or kitchen gadgets — let go of something old. New cookbook? Look through your cookbooks to see if there is one you can donate or give to a friend. New mug? Let go of that old one with a chip in it.

This hack helps keep the clutter in check without overwhelming you with big decluttering projects. The next time you’re putting away groceries or unpacking new clothes, pause and ask yourself, “What can I donate or toss to make room for this?”

This simple habit/hack can prevent those sneaky piles from building back up. Plus, you’ll feel good knowing you’re creating space for what truly matters to you.

Hack 4: Create a Drop Zone for Daily Clutter

We all have those spots in our home where clutter piles up — shoes at the front door, mail on the counter, backpacks on the floor. The front entry way is notorious for this in my house.

To combat this, set up a “drop zone” for everyday items — a basket for shoes, a hook for bags, and a small tray or basket for mail and keys. This way, everything has a home, and the rest of your space stays clear… and you know where to find your keys!

When there’s a designated spot for those daily items, you’re less likely to feel overwhelmed by the little messes that can build up throughout the day.

Hack 5: Declutter by Category, Not Room

Instead of tackling an entire room, focus on one category of items at a time. Think of categories like books, clothes, or toys. If you are tackling your closet think of categories like sweaters, pants, shoes. It’s way less overwhelming and it feels good to see the small progress compound little by little.

Grab all the items in one category, wherever they’re hiding in your home. Sort through them, decide what stays, and donate or discard what’s no longer needed.

This method helps you make quicker decisions and gives you an immediate sense of accomplishment. (I am all about a quick win!) Plus, it helps prevent clutter from spreading across multiple rooms.

Final Thought

Remember, friend, your home should be a place that fills you up, not a source of stress. Start with these easy steps, and watch as your home transforms into the calm, supportive space you deserve. I am cheering you on!

Need more tips to simplify your home? Be sure to subscribe to my newsletter for more tips on how to declutter, style, and maintain any room in your home.


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